Women in Workplace

By Dhruti Gandhi

14 min Read

November 15, 2022

At the greatest rates we’ve ever observed, women in leadership positions are changing occupations, and ambitious young women are ready to follow suit. Businesses must go above the bare minimum to achieve accurate, long-lasting progress toward gender equality. Because they expect more from their jobs, women are quitting their employers in record numbers. More frequently than ever, and more frequently than males in leadership, women in leadership positions are changing employment. That might have adverse effects on businesses. Already, the proportion of women in senior positions is substantially lower. Companies are having difficulty keeping their very few female leaders.

The reasons why female leaders are leaving their organizations are telling. While female leaders have just as much ambition as males, they frequently encounter barriers that make it difficult for them to develop. They are more likely to encounter demeaning microaggressions, such as having their judgment called into question or being mistaken for someone more junior. Although they are working harder to promote inclusivity and support employee well-being, they are being overworked and receiving little in return for their efforts. The importance of working for organizations that place a high value on flexibility, employee well-being, diversity, equity, and inclusion is also growing among women leaders.

Companies run the danger of losing not just the women who are already in leadership positions, but also the women who will fill those positions in the future if they do nothing. The importance of working in a fair, supportive, and inclusive workplace is significantly higher for young women, who have higher aspirations. They are ready to follow in the footsteps of senior women who have left for positions with greater prospects.

Current pipeline conditions

Gender equality is out of reach for most firms because of two pipeline issues. Women, continue to be disproportionately underrepresented in corporate positions despite small advances in representation over the past years. And in senior leadership, this is particularly true: barely 5% of women and 25% of C-suite leaders are female. Furthermore, the majority of businesses are struggling with two main issues that virtually prevent them from attaining gender equality in their workplaces.

“Broken rung” is still broken. Women are being held back by a “broken rung” at the initial managerial level. Only 87 women receive promotions from entry-level to manager for every 100 males. Men overwhelmingly outweigh women in management positions as a result, and women will never catch up. The number of women in high leadership roles is simply insufficient.

Companies are losing more female Leaders. A new pipeline issue is currently affecting businesses. The rate of departure of female Leaders from their organizations is at an all-time high, and there is a far larger gender disparity than there has ever been. For every woman at the director level who is promoted to the next level, two other women directors decide to quit their organization, putting the size of the issue into perspective.

Women in Workplace

Reasons for the employment changes of female leaders

There are three main reasons why female executives are quitting their organizations. In order to acquire what they want from their organizations, female executives are becoming more and more likely to change positions. Their choices to depart are influenced by three main factors:

The barriers for women leaders to advance are greater than those for males. When it comes to wanting to advance and pursuing senior-level positions, women leaders are just as likely as males to do so. Although it will be more challenging for them to advance, they routinely deal with microaggressions at work that undermines their power. For instance, they are much more likely than male leaders to have coworkers call into question their judgment or indicate that they lack the qualifications for their positions. Women in leadership positions are also more likely to claim that personal trait like their gender or having children prevented them from receiving a raise, promotion, or other opportunities for advancement.

Women in leadership positions are overworked and underappreciated. Women leaders work more than males at their level to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion and support staff well-being, which significantly boosts retention and employee happiness but goes unrecognized in most workplaces. It can be more difficult for women leaders to grow if they spend time and effort on work that isn’t appreciated. Additionally, it implies that women leaders are more overworked than males in their positions of authority; it is therefore not unexpected that women leaders are far more prone to burnout than men at the same level.

Women in leadership seek an improved workplace environment. Women executives are substantially more likely than male leaders to leave their employment for reasons such as increased flexibility or a desire to work for an organization that places a higher priority on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Additionally, these elements have only become more significant for women leaders over the past two years.

If businesses don’t move to address these developments, they run the danger of losing more women as leaders. That may have far-reaching consequences. Women leaders devote more time and effort to successful people management, allyship, diversity, equity, and inclusion than males do at the same level. The new generation of workers, and particularly younger women, want and demand a friendly, inclusive workplace, thus they are driving the move there.

Women’s experiences examined intersectionally

Some female employees deal with more discrimination and less assistance at work.

Many women encounter prejudice not just because of their gender but also because of their color, sexual orientation, handicap, or other aspects of their identity; this exacerbated discrimination can be far worse than the sum of its individual components. These women frequently encounter more microaggressions as a result, and they also encounter greater obstacles to development. In order to successfully promote fairness and inclusion for all women, it is crucial that businesses and employees are aware of these dynamics.

Flexible and remote work: Why it’s Important

For women, remote and hybrid employment are revolutionary.

Two years after the pandemic compelled businesses into a significant trial with flexible work, excitement for flexibility in all its manifestations is higher than ever. The overwhelming majority of workers want to work for organizations that provide remote or hybrid work opportunities. In the upcoming year, just 7% of businesses want to reduce the amount of remote and hybrid work, while 32% anticipate these alternatives to increase.

Although remote and hybrid working won’t be suitable for all businesses or job types, it is obvious that these new ways of working are here to stay. Three important considerations should be made as businesses continue to negotiate this transition:

The importance of choice. Employees who have the freedom to pick their work environment—remote or on-site—are less likely to become burned out, are happy in their positions, and are significantly less likely to think about quitting their employers. Given that not all employees would benefit equally from flexible work arrangements, it is crucial to provide them agency and choice wherever feasible.

Women particularly like the ability to work remotely. Only 10% of women prefer to work exclusively on-site, and many of them cite the availability of remote and hybrid employment as one of the key factors in their decision to join or remain with a company. Flexibility is only one aspect of these desires. Women who work remotely, even sometimes, report fewer microaggressions and better levels of psychological safety. Women from groups who frequently experience more degrading and othering conduct have shown a sharp decline in microaggressions.

Even if remote and hybrid employment has actual advantages, they could also provide new difficulties. The majority of workers enjoy working remotely at least occasionally. Furthermore, according to the majority of HR executives, allowing for flexible scheduling has increased the retention of workers from underrepresented groups and diversified their talent pools. These new methods of working might have drawbacks, too. The majority of businesses worry that remote and hybrid workplaces have more expectations on managers and that workers who work from home feel less connected to their teams. Additionally, it’s probable that women, who are more likely to work from home than males, may have fewer possibilities for promotion and recognition.

Women in Workplace

Managers’ significance

In order to keep women, managers are crucial, but they require additional assistance.

Women’s and all workers’ work experiences are significantly shaped by managers. Women are happier and less stressed when managers invest in people management, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Additionally, they’re more likely to think positively about their employers and suggest them as a great place to work, which results in increased retention and more effective recruiting.

The issue is that there is a widening chasm between what is demanded of managers and the methods through which they are developed and rewarded. According to the majority of businesses, managers have been required to take on greater responsibilities in the past two years in order to assist employees’ progress and inclusion on their teams. The transition to remote and hybrid employment has also increased the difficulty of managers’ duties. However, only a small minority of businesses are providing managers with the necessary training to meet these new needs, and even fewer are rewarding managers’ efforts in people management, diversity, equality, and inclusion in their performance evaluations. Companies are effectively seeing this task as an add-on rather than a crucial component of a manager’s job, and this gap may be seen in the way managers conduct themselves. Only about half of women claim that their manager consistently promotes polite behavior among the women on their team and fewer than half claim that their boss is interested in their career and assists them in prioritizing their tasks.

Advisory for businesses

Companies should concentrate on two major objectives: increasing the number of women in leadership positions and maintaining the women leaders they already have, if they want to achieve significant and long-lasting progress toward gender equality. To do this, more effort than usual will be needed. Businesses are progressing more quickly when women are better represented. The three pillars of enacting organizational change—setting objectives, monitoring results, and holding leaders accountable—are being strengthened. They are providing more focused and practical training so that staff members can serve as allies and managers are better prepared to help their teams. To ensure that women receive the mentoring and support they need, special initiatives are being developed. They also provide flexibility, emergency childcare benefits, and mental health assistance in an effort to enhance women’s day-to-day working experiences. Companies would profit by following their lead and pioneering new territory if they wanted to achieve greater outcomes.


The old workplace is not one that employees want to go back to. They desire to advance. Particularly for women, this is true. Women work hard with ambition. They make better, more compassionate leaders. And they want to work for organizations that place a high priority on cultural shifts that enhance the workplace, such as flexibility, employee well-being, diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Women leaders will be attracted to and retained by businesses that act now, improving the working environment for all employees. They will continue to prevail in the talent battle in the years to come.

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